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Tootie, the younger sister of Vicky from The Fairly OddParents, is a quirky and endearing character. Despite her unrequited crush on Timmy Turner, Tootie’s nerdy charm and occasional acts of kindness make her an entertaining addition to the show. With her iconic diva-shaped glasses and enthusiastic personality, Tootie brings a unique energy to the series. Though her stalker tendencies can be a bit much at times, her love for Timmy is undeniable.
1. SWEATER – Start your schoolgirl outfit with a sleeveless V-neck sweater in black.
2. SHIRT – Next, you will need a short-sleeved dress shirt in white.
3. SKIRT – Add a gray plaid mini skirt to finish that classic schoolgirl outfit.
4. GLASSES – Tootie wears some distinctly retro 1950s-esque cat eye glasses in a striking purple color.
5. FLATS – You will want to step into a pair of black flats and maybe some white tube socks too.
6. HAIR TIES – Finally, style your hair into two loose ponytails with a pair of light blue scrunchies.
Poor Tootie, all she wants is to love Timmy Turner with all her will and yet he just won’t give her the time of day.
Stalker tendencies aside, this is a cute school outfit with some retro glasses that we imagine would have been mocked in High School but are now most definitely in fashion!
For more nostalgia-packed costume ideas, check out the rest of our Fairly Odd Parents collection below!