Buy Vector Costume Items From Amazon:
1. TRACKSUIT – Vector wears a stylish orange tracksuit set with white stripes down the arms and pants leg.
2. GLASSES – Only the coolest pair of thick-rimmed glasses could compliment that bowl haircut.
3. FOOTWEAR – A pair of white and orange Adidas trainers are worn to match Vector’s tracksuit.
4. WIG – Unless your mother is still cutting your hair, you are likely to need this fetching bowl haircut wig.
5. HELMET – Because safety always comes first, a helmet is a must if you plan on taking your wingsuit for a test fly.
6. MICROPHONE – Finally, a helmet-attachable mic finishes off our Vector costume!
Vector is a hilarious costume idea that is guaranteed to elicit more than a few laughs at your next party.
All you need is an orange tracksuit, the thickest-rim glasses you can find and a haircut that looks like it was performed as a dare at a bachelor party.
Check out the rest of our Despicable Me outfit guides below. There’s plenty for all the friends and family to get involved!