Buy Red Cosplay Items:
Red, played by Kate Mulgrew in Orange Is the New Black, is a tough, cunning inmate and the head chef at Litchfield Penitentiary. Originally from Russia, she has a background in organized crime and uses her culinary skills to gain power and respect among the inmates. Known for her fierce loyalty and maternal instincts, Red often acts as a protector to those she cares about, particularly Nicky Nichols.
1. COAT – The first accessory you will need to make your Red cosplay is an authentic Le Mans chef coat.
2. PANTS – As well as a pair of chequered, black and white chef pants like these.
3. WIG – This anime-style red wig can be styled to look very similar to Red’s iconic short messy hair.
4. THREAD – Use red craft thread to embroider Red’s name above her breast pocket and add detailing around the other pockets.
5. CHAIN – Red keeps her glasses safe and sound with a purple reading glass chain like this.
6. GLASSES – Speaking of which, a simple pair of rectangular reading glasses is ideal for this look.
7. LIPSTICK – Finally, you will want a deep red lip gloss or lipstick, as well as potentially some red blusher.
Red exudes strength and authority, making her a natural choice for the role of ‘Mother Hen’ to the rest of the incarcerated women in Orange is the New Black.
Check out our step-by-step DIY outfit guides for Piper Chapman and Nicky Nichols if you and your friends want to make a matching OITNB cosplay.
Otherwise, for all the best costume and cosplay ideas, keep it here with whatisxwearing.