Buy 9th Doctor Costume Items:
The Ninth Doctor, portrayed by Christopher Eccleston, is a pivotal character in Doctor Who, marking the show’s revival in 2005. He is characterized as a war-torn loner, shaped by the trauma of the Time War, exhibiting a pragmatic and less eccentric demeanor compared to previous incarnations. His notable companion is Rose Tyler, whom he saves from danger and invites to travel with him in the TARDIS.
1. COAT – Matching the darker and more brooding persona Christopher Eccleston brought to the role of The Doctor, we have this stylish double-breasted leather coat.
2. T-SHIRT – Not one for colors, Eccleston was rarely seen wearing anything other than a plain black tee with a v-neck.
3. JEANS – Next, you will need a pair of dark wash jeans in a regular or loose fit.
4. FOOTWEAR – As well as a pair of sturdy but understated black boots.
5. SCREWDRIVER – Finally, you can’t forget your trusty Sonic Screwdriver and this 3-D printed replica from Etsy is a great option.
Christopher Eccleston was the first Doctor of the new era when Doctor Who relaunched back in 2005.
He brought a moodier and all-around darker feel to the character and that is reflected in his all-black outfit design.
This is one of our easiest Doctor Who costumes to make but it certainly isn’t our only outfit guide! Check out our complete collection below for Tom Baker’s, Matt Smith’s, and David Tennant’s Doctor, as well as some of their most popular companions.