Buy 10th Doctor Costume Items:
The Tenth Doctor, portrayed by David Tennant, is a charismatic and adventurous incarnation of the Doctor in Doctor Who. He first appeared in “The Christmas Invasion” (2005) and is known for his charm, quick wit, and emotional depth. His tenure includes notable companions like Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, and Donna Noble.
1. COAT – You simply cannot do a Tenth Doctor cosplay with his signature brown trenchcoat!
2. SUIT – Or, for that matter, his stylishly retro two-piece pinstripe suit.
3. SHIRT – Next, you will need a plain white dress shirt like this one, something you probably already have at home.
4. TIE – One of the more flashy aspects of David Tennant’s costume design is his patterned burgundy tie.
5. SHOES – Contrasting against the formality of his suit, the Tenth Doctor typically wears a pair of understated white canvas sneakers.
6. SCREWDRIVER – Finally, Tennant’s screwdriver might not be the most visually impressive but it is one of the most iconic.
Everyone has their favorite Doctor, typically based on the time period in which they were first introduced to the Doctor Who franchise, but David Tennant’s 10th Doctor may well be the most popular of all!
His whole look, from his brown trenchcoat to his pinstripe suit, is as iconic as it is instantly recognizable.
For more Doctor Who cosplay ideas and all of our step-by-step outfit guides, see the rest of our collection below.