Buy Rose Tyle Cosplay Items:
Rose Tyler (played by Billie Piper) was the first companion to join the Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) when Doctor Who was officially relaunched in 2005. She remained the Doctor’s companion during his transition to the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) and has made several guest appearances in the years since.
1. T-SHIRT – Start your Rose cosplay with this stylish and not-at-all-too-much Union Jack t-shirt.
2. JEANS – Bring back the early 2000s when bell-bottom jeans were all the rage!
3. JACKET – As were these baggy-style green bomber jackets.
4. FOOTWEAR – Next, you will need a simple pair of white canvas sneakers.
5. WIG – Finally, a wavy dirty-blonde wig if you do not have naturally light hair.
Buy Rose (‘Doomsday’) Costume Items:
In “Doomsday,” the Doctor faces a catastrophic battle between the Daleks and Cybermen in London, leading to emotional sacrifices. Rose is trapped in a parallel universe, forcing a heartbreaking farewell with the Doctor, marking her departure as a companion and leaving a lasting impact on both characters.
1. SWEATER – Start your Rose Tyler cosplay from Doomsday with a knitted blue, zip-up sweater.
2. JEANS – Again, Rose is a woman who loves her bell-bottom jeans! This time in a dark wash.
3. EARRINGS – Rose keeps her jewelry simple with little more than a pair of large, gold hoop earrings.
4. TOP – Add a simple black plunge-neck undershirt.
5. FOOTWEAR – And a pair of black canvas sneakers.
6. GLASSES – Finish off your cosplay with a blast from the past, these retro-style red-and-blue 3d glasses!
Rose Tyler was the first companion to join the Doctor when the BBC decided to reboot Doctor Who for a new audience. For many younger fans of the series, she remains an all-time favorite!
But she is not alone! There are so many iconic companions and Doctor’s to choose from for anyone looking to make a time-warping cosplay.
So check out the rest of our collection below for step-by-step outfit guides for Clara Oswald, Donna Noble, Tom Baker’s Doctor and more!