Many of us grew up watching Disney movies as children. As such, we feel a particularly strong bond with the colorful characters that make Disney’s franchises so magical. From the princesses we dreamed of becoming to the villains that gave us sleepless nights.
More than a few of us also discovered our first crushes thanks to Disney. How could we not fall in love with the likes of Ariel, Maleficent, and Elsa?
Now its time to make your (and potentially your friends and partner’s) dreams come true. Our Sexy Disney Princess and Villain costume roundup is all about bringing that magic to life in a different, more adult way.
These are your favorite Disney characters as they’ve never been seen before. Brought to life with our easy DIY costumes and step-by-step guides.
How could we start our list of sexy Disney costumes anywhere else? We know we can’t be the only ones who were crushing hard on Ariel during our most formative years…
Looking resplendent with her fire red hair, shell bikini, and shimmering tail, Ariel had many of us wishing for a vacation under the sea.
This is a particularly easy sexy Disney cosplay to make at home. Requiring as few as 4 accessories, Ariel is the perfect choice for a steamy last-minute costume party.
The woman who launched one of the biggest companies in the world, Snow White is the O.G. Disney princess. Released all the way back in 1937, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves proved all the naysayers wrong who said that a feature-length animated movie could never be commercially viable.
A lady of her time, Snow White is probably one of the most modestly dressed in our sexy Disney costume roundup. That didn’t stop our imagination from creating one of the hottest outfits we have ever dreamed up.
Looking irresistible in a form-fitting blue corset, red heels, and a skimpy yellow skirt, we think few people would turn down a bite of this poison apple.
The Queen of Ice has never looked quite this hot! Elsa is probably the most popular Disney princess of the last 20 years. Her coming-of-age story as a powerful young woman struggling with her powers and looming responsibilities really resonated with audiences young and old.
This outfit is the perfect excuse to wear a beautiful mini dress, high heels, and satin elbow-length gloves. What more could you ask for? Throw some sexy-as-all-hell Elsa-themed lingerie in for good measure and this cosplay is just a great time all-round.
Elsa is also a great costume idea for all you natural blondes out there or anyone looking for that little push to finally go lighter.
Could our first sexy Disney villain have been anyone other than Maleficent? The first antagonist to get her own live-action movie (played by Angelina Jolie, no less?!), Maleficent is the evil fairy that curses Sleeping Beauty to her deep slumber.
Because sometimes all these princesses can feel a little too goody-two-shoes, this is for the naughtier ones amongst us.
Dressed head-to-toe in black, this is an opportunity to don a pair of killer over-the-knee boots, a leather bodysuit, devil horns, and own the witching hour.
Sleeping Beauty – also known as Aurora – is based on the classic Brothers Grimm fairytale ‘Briar Rose’. Cursed to an eternal slumber by the malevolent fairy, Maleficent, Sleeping Beauty can only be awoken by true love’s kiss.
It is classic Disney fare. Heartwarming? Most definitely. But we think we can turn up the heat a little more. This is also a great costume idea for friends if you have a partner in crime who wants to go as Maleficent.
Our sexy Sleeping Beauty costume is delicious in pink with a lacey corset, pink tutu and gorgeous heels to match. Add a bejeweled tiara and stunning gold necklace and this is one princess costume you don’t want to sleep on!
We might not approve of her methods but you’ve got to respect a woman who will go to extreme lengths in the name of fashion.
This sexy Cruella costume is all about setting you inner crazy free. A stunning blend of fur (dalmatian-cruelty free, of course), provocative accessories, and red accents, we absolutely adore this look.
There’s no denying, Cruella De Vil is a fashion icon and this outfit embodies her aristocratic and unwavering attention to detail.
When Mulan discovers that her ageing father must join the Chinese army to fight, she decides to disguise herself as a man to fight in his place.
Disney’s Mulan is based on a Chinese folk tale about the young heroine Hua Mulan who goes on to be a great warrior. This movie taught us that Disney princesses don’t need a prince to rescue them and that women can match the men step for step in any situation.
Our sexy Mulan costume is all about capturing that oriental charm. With exotically ordained silks and a stunning, rich-blue floral corset as the showstopper.
You know our final sexy Disney villain costume had to be something truly special.
The Queen of Hearts is the authoritarian ruler of Wonderland, a strange and illogical place that Alice inadvertently finds herself trapped in after falling down a rabbit hole.
Like all the characters of Alice in Wonderland, the Queen of Hearts’ charm lies in her eccentricity. We looked to embody that strangeness in our own homemade costume. Combining elements of whimsy and wonder into one of our most playful and fun costumes yet.
Rounding out our list of sexy Disney Princess and Villain costume ideas is the classic fairytale character, Rapunzel.
Brought to life in Disney’s Tangled, Rapunzel continued the trend of bucking conventional fairytale norms in favor of a strong and independent female lead.
With Rapunzel’s beautifully long hair providing the focal point for this deliciously seductive outfit, you’re going to need that frying pan to fight off all those would-be suitors trying to whisk you away!