Buy Thelonious Costume Items:
Thelonious is a large, mute, and somewhat dim-witted executioner and one of Lord Farquaad’s main henchmen. Although Thelonious is a man of few words, he did provide us with one of the most memorable Shrek quotes of all time: “Pick number 3, my lord!” Despite his limited screen time, Thelonious is a fan-favourite character from Shrek and this costume is a fun and innovative idea that guarantees a memorable entrance!
STEP 1: THE FOUNDATION – Theolonius wears a gray one-piece under a darker gray leotard. We went for a matching set of workout compression pants and a shirt to imitate that skintight one-piece look.
STEP 2: OVERSHIRT – For this, we went for a dark gray workout leotard.
Just note, as it is designed for workouts, it is pretty tight. The one worn by Thelonious also happens to look skintight so this is not necessarily a bad thing but something to consider if you want to leave a little more to the imagination, if you know what I mean…
Add a black or dark gray belt, ideally with a gold rectangular buckle – it’s not the end of the world if you don’t have an exact match.
STEP 3: MEDIEVAL TOUCHES – Thelonious wears a pair of black leather, executioner gauntlet gloves. These are really popular cosplay accessories and you will find plenty of quality, options
For the shoes, we decided on a pair of authentic medieval-wrap boots. These shoes look fantastic. However, just know that foot protection is almost non-existent.
STEP 4: PROPS – Find yourself an ornate handheld mirror (preferably not a family heirloom) that you don’t mind smashing with a well-timed punch at the most opportune moment.
Another fun idea is to design your own DIY “Pick Number 3 My Lord!” sign with a piece of cardstock and tie it around your neck with some string.
STEP 1: MEASUREMENTS – First, buy yourself a generous length of black fabric. This step is easier if you have a friend to help you but it can also be completed solo. Place the fabric over your head and loosely trace the outline of the hood with a white fabric pen (or lightly score with a pencil).
Trace from the edge of your shoulder to roughly the center of your chest and back up to your other shoulder in an even curve.
STEP 2: CUTTING – Remove the fabric and connect the two lines with another slightly smaller curve. Even up the lines where necessary. You should have an oval shape that’s big enough to fit over your head and drape comfortably over your back and chest.
With a pair of scissors or a craft knife, cut out your egg-shaped piece of fabric.
STEP 3: THE EYES – You will need some yellow-tinted sunglasses for this step.
Place the hood back over your head and mark roughly where the eye holes need to be. Then, cut both eye holes in a narrow oval shape that is more pointed toward the inside and rounded for the outer part of the eye hole.
You can now either, remove the lenses from the sunglasses and glue them to the back of the hood or simply wear them underneath your hood.
Step 4: ADDING STRUCTURE – Take a thin strip of card and glue it into a ring that is large enough to fit comfortably over your head and around your neck.
Glue the card ring to the inside of your hood so that it sits just above your shoulders. This will give a clear hood shape around the head while allowing the base to sit freely around the neck, chest, and back.
Thelonious is not the only fun and unusual costume idea we have featured from Shrek. Looking for a truly one-of-a-kind couple’s costume? Check out our Female Lord Farquaad costume! Or how about Donkey and Dragon for another unexpected yet adorable coupling?
For a super easy group costume idea, see our Three Blind Mice outfit guide. And for an even more out-of-the-box cosplay, see what you would look like dressed as Shrek in human form.
Still not convinced? Check out our favorite homemade Shrek costumes from Pinterest and bask in the nostalgic goodness!